Monday, October 29, 2012


We are getting hit with the effects of SANDY... we are having really strong winds.  Being that we live only a couple miles off the lake we ran out tonight to see the record high waves.  WOW~ it is unreal......  here are a few pictures of tonight.  They say tomorrow is going to be worse.
I will try and take a drive out to the lake again tomorrow. 
Pictures just don't do it justice.

Sunday, October 7, 2012


Some of the girls went out for the youth deer season here!  They were so excited about it!  So, to make it even more fun for them we made them some cookies!
Here are my hunting girls..
Happy hunting!

Doing Corn

We finished up all of our high moisture corn.  While they guys were out combining I sent Abby out with the camera to take a few pictures!!  Hope you enjoy them!
Here is one of the fields of corn! 
The combine taking the corn off from the stalk. 
After the corn is removed and the hopper is full on the combine it is then put into dumps trucks and taken back to the farm.

Where is is dumped off into a hopper and then augered up through a roller mill.  Where each kernal of corn is cracked. 
Running it through the roller mill makes the corn easier for the cow to  digest.

making sure the ag bag isn't getting to big.  Each of the lines are to measure 11"

It is a dusty job.  But sure a good feeling knowing that we have enough feed put up for the cows to enjoy all year!     Happy Harvesting!