Monday, May 2, 2011

Where do my days go?

     Where do my days go??? They seem to fly by faster then ever anymore.  And I am not sure if that is that I always have a ton to do, or the farm is keeping me busy, or just that I try to fit to much into each day..... oh well, I had better quit wasting time trying to figure it out!!  And try and get the most done I can!
     We finally got into the hay fields today to spread some potash!!  Now we just have to wait till the rest of the ground dries up a little more and we should be able to get the hay field planted and then the corn! 
     Now that all of our goats have freshened we are getting lots of milk everyday!  So, today we needed to use up some milk!  We made cream cheese and mozzarella!  Now we are down to a gallon of goats milk in the fridge!  My girls love it on the days that we make cheese!  Fresh mozzarella is one of their favorites!  With some of the whey we get off the mozzarella cheese we make homemade bread!  So, that was Eliza's job today!  It sure smells great!
     Tonight my hubby and I have a 4-H meeting.  We are both on the Dairy Committee.  Tonight we get to  In just a little over 3 months is the fair!  So far 2 of the kids have gotten their veal calves!  We only need 2 more!  We have been having lots of calves born, but they have been heifers!  (For those of you who might not know what a heifer is.... it is a girl!)  As dairy farmers heifers are a good thing!!  Sorry kids!

Feeding calves!


Farm life isn't all work!  We do have fun! (No, this picture isn't on sideways!)  Abby likes to entertain herself while she is waiting for the switch to finish!
And at least part of the day is spent out with the horses!

1 comment:

  1. Don't forget laundry without a dryer!!! I thought of you when i hung some blankets out yesterday in the sunshine!=... Cheryl
